All is quiet on the eve of Season 6

After many months of a domant basketball league, tomorrow AFBL Season 6 will begin. Summer gave us some good times at the Roxboro rec court. Thanks to Nicky Santore for setting those games up. When the Summer games fell apart, we were all left to train, or nerd out, or do whetever it is that we do, in private. I’ve seen many of the players at openings and around town. Everyone seems genuinely excited for the games to begin again. I know I am. It’s been hard to maintain my rotund belly without my weekly run, or walk, as most AFBL games go. So, on the eve of AFBL Season 6, I’d like to thank everyone who has participated over the years. I really can’t believe that we have lasted this long. Extra thanks go to Bill, who will be leaving McCall next year, so he says. Without Bill taking a chance on us shady fools, we may have never found a stable gym to play in. I know McCall isn’t perfect, and some people hate the linoleum covered concrete floors, but it is the AFBL venue and they painted a gay mural in our honor. No blood no foul, don’t take a charge from Crazy Don, and don’t pass up any open looks. Those are my rules, see you on court.

AFBL Season 5 Finale

Season 5 finale group shot – March 2006

John Freeborn

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